How will the virtual meeting work?

For detailed instructions, please carefully read the MLHC 2021 Attendee Guide.

All invited talks have been prerecorded and are available on our MLHC YouTube channel, all accepted papers and abstracts are associated with a prerecorded spotlight presentation hosted on our YouTube channel (Posters A, Posters B, Clinical Abstracts/Posters C). Most of Aug. 6th and 7th will be spent in our virtual 2-dimensional MLHC world created by You’ll be able to walk among the posters, interact with poster presenters, and network with other conference attendees. Live Q&A sessions will be held in the ‘auditorium’ of the virtual world through GoToWebinar. Breakout sessions will be held in Zoom. Registered participants will receive additional instructions in the days leading up to the meeting. We look forward to seeing you in 2D!

2021 Main Conference Agenda        

Friday, August 6th, 2021, Virtual (all times are EDT)


The schedule below contains invited talks that will be shown live for the first time, followed by moderated discussions and Q&A with our invited speakers.

The poster sessions will be an interactive experience in

Breakout sessions will be held in Zoom (links below).

Please note that all submitted talks that accompany each poster are available on our YouTube channel and can be viewed at any time.

-----Session 1 ----- [GoToWebinar]

10:30 - 10:35 Introductions

10:35 - 11:00 Vinnie Liu, MD, Kaiser Permanente

  • Title: The future of AI in healthcare is augmented, not artificial, intelligence              

11:00 - 11:25  Patricia Ordóñez, PhD, University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras

  • Title: The importance of Design Thinking and Data Science Post Hurricane María

 11:25 - 11:55 Moderated Discussion/Q&A with Vinnie Liu and Patricia Ordóñez         

Moderator: Serena Yeung, PhD                                         

---Poster Session A [] & Breakouts [Zoom]---

12:00 - 12:30 Breakout Sessions: Join this Zoom, then select your preferred Breakout Room

  • Breakout Room 1: Technology infrastructure to enable rapid machine learning model development and integration (Moderator: Michael Gao)

  • Breakout Room 2: Model Fairness, accountability, and transparency in Healthcare (Moderator: Zach Lipton)

  • Breakout Room 3: Machine Learning Considerations for Medical Imaging (Moderator: Akshay Chaudhari)

  • Breakout Room 4: Causal inference in healthcare in practice (Moderator: Uri Shalit)

  • Breakout Room 5: Time Series and Wearables (Moderators: Joe Futoma and Luca Foschini)

12:30 - 13:30 Papers Research Track Posters A []

-----Session 2 ----- [GoToWebinar]

14:00 - 14:25  Kee Yuan Ngiam, MD, National University of Singapore    

  • Title: Implementing Healthcare AI in Clinical Practice

14:25 - 14:50   Anna Goldenberg, PhD, University of Toronto

  • Title: Lessons Learned for Designing ML for Deployment in Healthcare

14:50 - 14:55 John Guttag, PhD, HEALTH[at]SCALE

  • Gold Sponsor Session: HEALTH[at]SCALE

---Poster Session B [] & Breakouts [Zoom]---

15:15 - 16:00  Gold Sponsor Breakout Rooms:

  • Breakout Room 1: HEALTH[at]SCALE: Transform Health Outcomes with Precision Care Delivery (Moderator: Kimis Perros) Access Zoom Link in Gather.Town Breakout Room 1!

16:00 - 17:30  Papers Research Track Posters B []

Saturday  August 7th, 2021, Virtual


-----Session 2 (continued) ----- [GoToWebinar]

10:00 - 10:30 Moderated Discussion/Q&A with Kee Yuan Ngiam and Anna Goldenberg

Moderator: Rajesh Ranganath

-----Session 3 ----- [GoToWebinar]

10:30 - 10:55  Kayte Spector-Bagdady, JD, University of Michigan

  • Title: Enabling Justice and Diversity in Reference Datasets

10:55 - 11:20   Deborah Raji, Mozilla Foundation   

  • Title: Algorithmic Accountability & Healthcare

11:20 - 11:50 Moderated Discussion/Q&A with Kayte Spector-Bagdady and Deborah Raji

Moderator: Mark Sendak, MD

---Poster Session C [] & Breakouts [Zoom]---

12:00 - 12:30 Breakout Sessions: Join this Zoom, then select your preferred Breakout Room

  • Breakout Room 1: Towards data-driven clinical decision support via reinforcement learning: challenges, pitfalls, and prospect (Moderator: Shengpu Tang)

  • Breakout Room 2: Best practices for machine learning project design and development (Moderator: William Ratliff)

  • Breakout Room 3: Clinical Governance of Machine Learning Models (Moderator: Karandeep Singh)

  • Breakout Room 4: Machine Learning in Primary Care (Moderator: Jaky Kueper and Dan Lizotte)

  • Breakout Room 5: Few and Zero-shot Learning in Medicine (Moderator: Jason Fries)

12:30 - 14:00   Clinical Abstract Posters Posters C []

-----Session 4 ----- [GoToWebinar]

14:00 - 14:25 Emery Brown, MD, PhD, MIT

  • Title: Tracking the Dynamics of the Unconscious Brain Under General Anesthesia

14:25 - 14:50 Karsten Borgwardt, PhD, ETH Zürich

  • Title: Early recognition of sepsis using machine learning

14:50 - 15:30 Moderated Discussion/Q&A with Emery Brown and Karsten Borgwardt

Moderator: Ken Jung, PhD

Feedback Session [Zoom]

15:30 - 16:30     Open feedback session with the MLHC Organizers to discuss ways to improve the conference in the future. Zoom Link